Fertility Reflexology

Fertility Reflexology is a specific set of protocols for specific fertility issues such as Endometriosis, Low Progesterone or Low Sperm Motility/Morphology. The goal of fertility reflexology is to help couples conceive where there’s been challenges. 

Reflexology is a particularly successful fertility boosting
therapy when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Apart from relaxation, it can also boost blood circulation, help balance hormone levels and regulate the menstrual cycle. It is particularly useful in cases of
sub-fertility and can be performed on both partners to promote optimum fertility. Reflexology can also help clients undergoing fertility treatment (IVF, IUI, ICSI and clients on medicated cycles). The increased blood circulation seems to enhance the effects of medical fertility treatment. 

I use a combination of vertical reflexology (VRT), which is performed whilst the client is standing and hot stone reflexology techniques to stimulate and balance the hormone system.

Key Benefits of Fertility Reflexology

It promotes deep relaxation, maximising the chances of conception. Stress is a significant factor that affects fertility as chronic/ongoing stress causes the body to produce stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These slow the production of reproductive hormones, making it harder to conceive.

It helps to normalise the menstrual cycle and correct hormonal imbalances. By stimulating the reproductive organs, it synchronises ovulation and improves sperm production.

Fertility Reflexology can help clients undergoing IVF treatment as the increased blood circulation seems to enhance the effects of medical fertility treatment. I work with clients up to egg transfer/implantation and then again after 12 weeks, once the pregnancy has become established.

It provides a much-needed opportunity to escape from stress and worry. Many of my clients arrive despairing, upset and often angry about their difficulties in conceiving. I am able to support them through these emotions and help them towards a more positive state of mind.

Reproductive Reflexology is for women at any stage in their fertility planning, whether they are enhancing their general health before trying for a baby, experiencing problems with conception or require help and guidance during pregnancy.

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